Our grant program is a simple and cost-effective solution to help companies adopt kitchen equipment and increase productivity.

How does it work?

PSG for the Food Service industries is a grant program that supports the adoption of kitchen equipment to enhance business processes. If you are a food service company then you can apply for the grant up to 50% for SMEs (capped at S$30,000 per company per financial year).

The PSG offers up to S$30,000 in grant support for a company’s purchase of new kitchen equipment that are needed to improve business processes. This includes but is not limited to new ovens, refrigerators, deep fryers, as well as other equipment.

General Food Manufacturing Equipment

Support Level and Conditions

Up to 50% for SMEs

This solution is supported by Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG).


General Food
services Equipment

Support Level and Conditions

Up to 50% for SMEs

This solution is supported by Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG).

Pre-approved Solutons